White Cotton Prayer Shawl – Men (Customize


12 items sold


image is Linen/ cotton image coming soon


100% cotton, Sewing using 100% cotton thread, 100% cotton ribbon on the extremities (kanaph), 100% cotton tied fringes (knotted Tzitzits)

  • Sewn using this thread
  • One stripe on each side is optional
  • Violet or Blue Ribbon? In Numbers 15:38, the Hebrew word "Tekayleth" was translated in the KJV to mean blue, however, the "Tekayleth" means violet in Hebrew, not blue. Why does the KJV use blue? It's possible that the translators were influenced by the Talmud which says that the ribbon was blue. EASY CHOICE: If you don't believe the Talmud & don't trust the Translators of the KJV, then you should choose Violet Ribbon. If you believe the Talmud and trust the translators, then choose blue.
  • $0.00
SKU: 00382-3 Category:



100% Cotton Prayer Shawl – Men

with violet (Tekayleth) ribbon & Knotted Tzitzits (Tied Fringes)



Rectangular shape with fringes on 2 ends.  Keeps the torah law in Numbers 15:37-40.  Traditional uses during prayers or to keep warm as a shawl.



The Bible does not command wearing of a unique prayer shawl or tallit. Instead, it presumes that people wore a garment of some type to cover themselves and instructs them to add fringes (tzitzit) to the extremeties of the garment (Numbers 15:38, Deuteronomy 22:12). These passages do not specify tying particular types or numbers of knots in the fringes. Nor do they specify a gender division between men and women, or between native Israelite/Hebrew people and those assimilated by them. The exact customs regarding the tying of the tzitzit and the format of the tallit are of post-biblical, rabbinic origin and can vary between various Jewish communities.

Encyclopaedia Judaica describes the prayer shawl as “a rectangular mantle that looked like a blanket and was worn by men in ancient times”.



Choose from the list of options


18″ x 72″

24″ x 72″

44″ x 64″

48″ x 68″

52″ x 72″

56″ x 76″ (more like a blanket)

60″ x 80″ (more like a blanket)


Additional information

Weight .75 lbs